Untethered Angel song lyrics by Dream Theater

Untethered Angel song by Dream Theater

You built this world around you, your universe

In spite of best intentions, things could not be worse

Chaos and fear left you hangin’ by a thread

As you argue with the voice inside your head

Untethered angel

Falling into darkness

Don’t be afraid of letting go

Givin’ up yourself won’t set you free

Misgivings and dismay, nightmares of wasted days

Can’t live your life this way, something needs to change

Healthy, accepting thoughts, intent on driving us

Avoidance at all costs, a painful thing to watch

Fear can’t live inside you

Push you to the edge

Face the fear within you

Wake up from the dead

Untethered angel

Falling into darkness

Don’t be afraid of letting go

Givin’ up yourself won’t set you free

Set you free

Untethered angel

Falling into darkness

Don’t be afraid of letting go

Untethered Angel song lyrics history

The lyrics of “Untethered Angel” by dream theater weave a tale of a person plagued by inner demons, struggling with fear and anxiety. This fear is personified as an “angel” that looms over the person’s life, casting a shadow on their existence. However, the narrative takes a turn as the person starts to face these fears.

They begin to understand that these fears and anxieties are self-imposed limitations, chains that they themselves have attached. This realization ignites a spark of courage within them, and step by step, they begin to untether themselves from their ‘angel’, their fear.

The progression of the song mirrors this journey, from the initial struggle and turmoil expressed through intense instrumental sections, to a more serene and harmonious finish symbolic of the person’s newfound freedom. The lyrics of “Untethered Angel” provide not only a powerful story, but also a strong, encouraging message of overcoming personal fears and limitations.

Let’s know more about Dream Theater’s albums and history