A Change of Seasons song lyrics by Dream Theater

A Change of Seasons song lyrics and history

I remember a time

My frail, virgin mind

Watched the crimson sunrise

Imagined what it might find

Life was filled with wonder

I felt the warm wind blow

I must explore the boundaries

Transcend the depth of winter’s snow

Innocence caressing me

I never felt so young before

There was so much life in me

Still I longed to search for more

But those days are gone now

Changed like a leaf on a tree

Blown away forever

Into the cool autumn breeze

The snow has now fallen

And my sun’s not so bright

I struggle to hold on

With the last of my might

In my den of inequity

Viciousness and subtlety

Struggle to ease the pain

Struggle to find the same

Ignorance surrounding me

I’ve never been so filled with fear

All my life’s been drained from me

The end is drawing near

“Carpe diem

Seize the day”

I’ll always remember

The chill of November

The news of the fall

The sounds in the hall

The clock on the wall

Ticking away

“Seize the Day”

I heard him say

Life will not always be this way

Look around

Hear the sounds

Cherish your life

While you’re still around

We can learn

From the past

But those days

Are gone

We can hope

For the future

But there might not be one

The words stuck in my mind

Alive from what I’ve learned

I have to seize the day

To home I returned

Preparing for her flight

I held with all my might

Fearing my deepest fright

She walked into the night

She turned for one last look

She looked me in the eye

I said, “I Love You


So far or so it seems

All is lost

With nothing fulfilled

Off the pages and the

T.V. screen

Another world

Where nothing’s true

Tripping through

The life fantastic

Lose a step

And never get up

Left alone

With a cold blank stare

I feel like giving up

I was blinded by a paradise

Utopia high in the sky

A dream that only drowned me

Deep in sorrow, wondering why

Oh come let us adore him

Abuse and then ignore him

No matter what

Don’t let him be

Let’s feed upon his misery

Then string him up for all the world to see

I’m sick of all

Your hypocrites

Holding me at bay

And I don’t need

Your sympathy

To get me through the day

Seasons change and so can I

Hold on Boy

No time to cry

Untie these strings

I’m climbing down

I won’t let them push me away

Oh come let us adore him

Abuse and then ignore him

No matter what

Don’t let him be

Let’s feed upon

His misery

Now it’s time for them

To deal with me

I’m much wiser now

A lifetime of memories

Run through my head

They taught me how

For better or worse

Alive or dead

I realize

There’s no turning back

Life goes on

The offbeaten track

I sit down with my son

Set to see the Crimson Sunset

(Gather ye rosebuds while ye may)

Many years have come and gone

I’ve lived my life, but now must move on

(Gather ye rosebuds while ye may)

He’s my only one

Now that my time has come

Now that my life is done

We look into the sun

“Seize the day

And don’t you cry

Now it’s time

To say good-bye

Even though

I’ll be gone

I will live on

Live on”

A Change of Seasons song lyrics history

The story of “A Change of Seasons” lyrics by Dream Theater starts from an intensely personal place for James LaBrie, who penned the song after the death of his father. This horrific event served as a stark reminder of the ephemeral nature of life and the relentless march of time, themes that we see become the backbone of the song.

The lyrics poetically capture this profound life experience and the associated tumultuous emotions. Each section signifies a different season, both literally and metaphorically, representing the cycle of life and the myriad changes, both joyful and tragic, that we’re all bound to experience.

These include the innocence of youth, the vibrancy of adolescence, the wisdom of maturity, and the tranquillity, or sometimes regret, of old age. By weaving these universal themes with personal experiences, the lyrics invite listeners to reflect on their own “seasons” of life.

The song concludes with a sense of acceptance and understanding that change is, indeed, the only constant in life. Despite the individual specificities, the story of “A Change of Seasons” lyrics is a timeless and universal narrative on human existence.

Let’s know some more about Dream Theater’s albums and history.